Monday, April 21, 2014

Caledon's Great Race Weekend, May 3-4th, 2014!!!!

The Great Race of Caledon 2014

Race Details;

The event is to be held on Saturday 3rd May 2014, with a start time of 11am SLT. The organisers will do all they can to ensure that this time is adhered to, Grid willing.

There is an entry fee of 50L, payable on the day, to the RFL Kiosk that will be in the Assembly Area near the Start. Payment to be made prior to starting the race, please.

The race will start in Caledon Kittiwickshire, here;

Participants will be given a Map of the First Stage route, a Map to each successive Stage will be obtained at the Changeover points between Stages. There will also be a few helpful Markers placed along the route.

There will be Timing Gates at the Start, the Finish, and at each Stage Changeover point, these are simply to provide interesting Statistical Data, however in the event of a tie any Gates missed will be a factor in the Stewards deliberations.

The Four Stages of the Race are as follows;

Stage One; Foot Race - this means using your own 2 (or 4, or indeed however many you have) feet. The Stewards ask that any Steampunk roller/traction boots, jet skates, etc that are worn be DECORATIVE ONLY and offer no advantage in speed.

Stage Two; Ground Vehicles - these may be of any number of wheels, or rollers, or tracks, or indeed may even be hover-type vehicles, but they must not be fliers, and we ask that they be suitably Steampunk or Vintage (not later than the 1920s). No horses, unless it is a Steam Horse, this is a race of vehicles.

Stage Three; Water Vehicles - these may travel on or under the water, by steam or sail, but they must be in contact with the water AT ALL TIMES. No flying boats, either literally or the airplanes of that type. The only exception to this is of course a bad sim crossing, but if your Water Vehicle should become airborne, you are required to return it to the water as soon as possible. If you do not have a Water Vehicle, one will be available from the dockside rezzer at the start of the Stage.

Stage Four; Aeros - Steampunks generally use LTA fliers, but HTA types are also welcome. Once again we ask that you repect the spirit of the era of the Great Race and keep any 'planes to Vintage ones (no later than the 1920s).

The first 3 contestants to cross the Finish Line will receive a Trophy commensurate to their placing, and all participants will receive a Commemorative Medallion.

In the unlikely event of a tie for any of the first 3 placings, the Stewards decison will be final, and based on many sekrit criteria, including the size of any donations made to RFL as a means to curry favour.

Spectators are Heartily Encouraged to watch the proceedings, and Embolden the Daring Racers with Cheers and Huzzahs. However they do so AT THEIR OWN RISK, NO LIABILITY WILL BE ACCEPTED BY THE ORGANISERS WHATSOEVER FOR ANY DEATH OR INJURY OCCURRING TO ANYONE FOR ANY REASON DURING THE RUNNING OF THE RACE.

Contact Solace Fairlady inworld via notecard if you have questions!

Time Essential Airship Wreck Rally (TEAWR) 2014 Poster

2014 Team Caledon for RFL
'Time Essential' Airship Wreck Rally
TEAWR (tee war)
MAY 4, 11am PDT

Stunningly Messy Air Rally across Greater Caledon
!!copy/mod or full perm air vehicles strongly suggested!!
See inworld posters at the Team Caledon site or DME Gadgets for guidelines/tips for ship construction.
Photo Contest Entry Fees ($L50) ((also send notecard to enter as IMs will cap))
sent to Miss Darlingmonster Ember
there will be a display board to pay fee and have your photo seen by Caledon
Everyone can contribute to each photo they like for RFL funds

Photo entries must be in-world textures, no more than three submissions per person
Photo should capture Caledon and the daring spirit of the pilots and vehicles in the day's Rally
Photo entries must be submitted no later than midnight SLT the day of the Rally
Please DO NOT interfere with Spectators or Vehicles during the Rally in taking pictures
We reserve the right to discard your submissions if you have been a Bounder during the Rally

Awards will take place after review of the charity totals on the next day. Software modification of the images is permitted. Images submitted include rights to display with credits.
Please label your files as below:

Pilot Entry Fees ($L50) ((also send notecard as IMs will cap))
sent to Miss Darlingmonster Ember

The 'Time Essential' Airship Wreck Rally is a whimsical event for the greater good of RFL and the entertainment of Caledon. All fees go to Team Caledon RFL. All builds and judging is by volunteers, please be patient with our volunteers.

Here is the 'Time Essential' nature of our daring contest.

1. racers go off in three minute increments (Judge will supply SLURL for next Goal)
2. racers arrive Goal (must stop at marked phantom prim----above target prim)
3. each Goal Judge records arrival time (will be compared to target script clock)
4. each racer 'WRECKS' part of their airship (edit vehicle for single prims, unlink piece, and then toggle unlinked prim to PHYSICAL) ((warning! Edit blue highlight prims only, never the yellow highlight root prim, please see notecard hints!))
5. Unlinked vehicle prim falls to target prim below stopped vehicle, bounces, and is
judged for closeness to bullseye (judge notes bonus)
6. racer zooms off to next Goal (Judge will supply SLURL for next Goal)
7. repeat to end of course (planned for 9 Goals see final instructions)
8. vehicle times between judges are added
9. bonus for 'wrecked parts' is subtracted from total time
10. single bonus for most Creative WRECK (120 seconds!) at finale once all vehicles have arrived

Black Ribbons will be awarded for 'posthumous gallantry in the air' for Vehicles lost or sim crossing limbo'd

Gold Badge and Trophy Airship for First Place
Silver Badge for Second Place and Trophy Gadget
Bronze Badge for Third Place and Trophy Gadget

At the Racer's discretion, scripted 'smoke prims' will be available starting at the second or third Goal. They can be attached to your vehicle in place of the Unlinked (Wrecked) Prims to create a more dazzling display of daring. This does not affect your 'Time Essential' standing in the Rally.  However, it may influence the single bonus for most creative WRECK.

You may use your own 'smoke prims' and/or include sparks, Cavorite leaks, steam and 'falling gears' if you desire.

We greatly appreciate your interest in the Team Caledon for RFL events.
Donations by Spectators make us Very Glad and we send Grandmotherly Kisses in return.

All questions may be addressed to Miss Darlingmonster Ember, Dame Mischief, creator of the 'Time Essential' Airship Wreck Rally

Thanks and have fun!!!
Darlingmonster Ember or DME Gadgets, Port Caledon

Friday, April 18, 2014

Team Caledon 2014--Merchant and Builder Opportunities

Team Caledon has actively participated in the American Cancer Society's Relay for Life (RFL) in Second Life since 2006, raising a substantial amount of RL money and awareness for cancer research. This year, as always, you have an opportunity to promote your business and make a difference.

If you would like to donate an item that you have made,  that can be sold for fundraising, please contact 360 Greycloak or Beth Ghostraven by April 30, 2014. The team will help you set up your vendor so the funds go to Relay for Life.

Your contribution can help us continue to do our part to help beat cancer.

360 Greycloak
Beth Ghostraven
Team Caledon

Friday, April 4, 2014

Join Team Caledon!!!

It's time for the 2014 RFL in SL season!  Thank you for your interest in joining Team Caledon! (See below for more info about the American Cancer Society's Relay for Life and Team Caledon.)

We meet at Team Caledon Headquarters in Port Caledon; see group notices, or an officer, for meeting times.

If you'd like to be involved in planning this year's events, please do come by the meetings or IM a Team Caledon officer to join the inworld group.

Geoffrey Xenobuilder
Wrath Constantine
Magdalena Kamenev
Samm Florian
Kamilah Hauptmann
Aevalle Galicia

We look forward to seeing you!
Go Relay!
Since 2005, the American Cancer Society has raised more than $2 million in Second Life. This year's theme is  "A Journey of Promise" (

Team Caledon has participated in RFL since 2006. This document gives a brief history:

This year's logo features the Lionsgate airfield with the first airship ever built in Caledon in the background (in effect, the first step on Caledon's Journey of Promise).